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Nitro Wiki

The Top 3 scoreboard champion symbol is a temporary symbol that appears by a player's name when they meet one of the criteria listed below. The symbol shows up on the player on the track or in their garage.

There are three ways one can earn the top 3 symbol:

  1. Being in the top three as an individual in the 24 hour, 7 day, 30 day, or the current Season Leaderboard.
  2. Being an officer or a captain on a team that is top 3 in the 24 hour, 7 day, 30 day, or the current Season Leaderboard.
  3. Earning a spot on the Hall of Fame.


  • A maximum of 105 racers can hold this symbol at any given time.
  • Before Nitro Type v3, this symbol would show up on any racer with the symbol if you hovered over them on any of the leaderboards; but it was changed to only show for the top 3 racers of the current leaderboard regardless of whether they had it or not and removed completely to show when hovering over the racer on the Hall of Fame.