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Nitro Wiki
Guest Racer

The Garage page when visited as a Guest Racer.

A guest racer is anyone who is racing on Nitro Type while being logged out.


Not having an account has many limitations and basically hinders the ability to do anything other than join a friend race.

For guest racers,

  • race stats are not logged, and average speeds are not based on the last 10 races and instead is only based on their last race,
  • public races can not be joined,
  • cars cannot be bought or painted, and only the Rental Car can be used,
  • titles can not be chosen (only the "Accountless One" title can be used),
  • no Experience or Cash can be earned,
  • users can not be searched via the Friends search, and friends can not be added,
  • teams cannot be formed or joined
  • and achievements can not be earned.

These restrictions are imposed on guest racers as to incentivize people to create accounts.


  • A method has been used by SECT, KTTY, and other teams and racers where the rate at which races load is sped up using guest racers in place of the regular bots (or racers) who show up. This has resulted in much controversy especially during the course of seasons.
  • The "Accountless One" "title" given to Guest Racers is technically not actually a title, as it is not visible in the bootstrap.
  • Several changes concerning guest racers were implemented on June 6, 2021:
    • Guest racers were given the Flux Cooper instead of the rental car during the qualifying race.
    • Guest racers were made no longer able to join public races, and would be immediately prompted to sign up. This had the effect of making the only way to race against other users as a guest racer being via friend races.
      • As to ensure no guest racers would be able to join public races, every time one goes to the racing page ( while logged out, they will be met with the qualifying race no matter what.
      • Clicking on the Rental Car while logged out but still in the garage will trigger the same message as if the user was logged in stating "Customize your car, title, stickers and more using the Nitro Type (or Math) Customizer!". Note that going any further will prompt a message saying that the user must be logged in to access the Customizer.